Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life as a First Year Teacher

Well, I did it.  I survived my first semester of teaching.  As you can see, it was hectic since I didn't post a blog one time during the semester.  To catch you up, I'll start back in August.  The day before school starts, I was sitting in a conference room interviewing candidates for the newly available 3rd section of 2nd grade at my school.  I was ecstatic because that meant I would only have 19 students, not 27!  Long story short, we hired a new teacher, decorated her classroom, and she started that night at Meet the Teacher night!  She has been a blessing to our team.

We are a young team, only one teacher has experience, and she has 2 years experience in Kindergarten and 1st grade.  Therefore, we are all new to 2nd grade, and rolling along just fine!  Oh and how fun expedition planning has been.  We had great ideas, only for them to get shot down, not once but twice.  Yet, we did almost complete a first semester expedition, with fieldwork to Target as well!  It's a long story, but I love teaching, I love Expeditionary Learning, I love my students, and I can't wait to see what 2nd semester has to offer!